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05 September 2005

Swivel Knife Undercut

Recently I have noticed that I have a terrible habit of tilting the swivel knife while cutting and causing terrible undercut. What is undercut? Well, it's what happens when you hold the swivel knife improperly while cutting. Left undercut results from tilting the knife to the right, causing the cut to tilt to the left. Similarly, right undercut results from tilting the knife to the left, causing the cut to tilt to the right. (See [crude] illustration below.) Undercutting makes the cut difficult to tool, and the overall appearance isn't quite right.

If anyone (haha, no one even reads this I bet) could give me some hints on how to avoid this mistake (I accidently do it without even noticing until it's too late), please post a comment, and/or email me (leather d0t stuff at

Now if only I were as skilled as Jim Linnell, Tony Lair, Peter Main, or Hidehandler. . .

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